STop Bioweapon research to stop pandemics
At no time has the question of the true origin of pandemics been considered or whether measures such as reducing human/animal contact would truly make a difference in pandemic prevention. Information about biological risks from anthropic sources (i.e. gain of function research connected to the bioweapons industry) seems not to have been referenced publicly in any discussions on Bill C-293 so far. See: High-risk human-caused pathogen exposure events from 1975-2016
It appears that Canadian Parliamentarians are unaware of the 71 occurrences from 1975 to 2016 of the release of pathogens with pandemic potential related to biodefense, bioweapon, bioterrorism or related research. Or that left on their own, naturally occurring pathogens from animal to human transfer are not particularly toxic.
If the Canadian government truly wanted to prevent pandemics, the most effective strategy would be to halt funding of so called "dual use" bioweapons research ('gain of function' and matching vaccine).
Both the "SARS" pandemics (SARS-COV-1) and COVID (SARS-COV-2) were the direct result of bioweapons research that violated international bioweapons treaties that Canada ratified. These pandemics did NOT originate in Canada.
Bill C293 is predicated (contrary to the facts) that Canadian's freedoms and liberties to eat meat, farm food, and have freedom of movement, are what cause pandemics.
C293 will force a radical change in diet forcing "alternate protein" i.e. insects and synthetic meat 3(2)(k)(IIi) while drastically reducing commercial animal raising 3(2)(o)(ii)-(v), 3(2)(m)(i)-(ii) including "changes in land use", i.e. expropriating farm land, cottagers, rural small towns into 15-min cities, and use of force to quarantine citizens and force injections: C293 grants 'appropriate' (unlimited) powers to an unelected national pandemic coordinator in an Amendment to Health Act.
Section 3(2)(o) prescribes the Canadian gov't "set out… agreements on disease outbreak prevention and preparedness with W.H.O. and UN" unelected NGOs that inflicted the disastrous pandemic response 2020+ that by any measure caused MORE HARM THAN GOOD, especially to a generation of children.
The W.H.O. budget is 80+% paid by funds owned or controlled by Bill Gates, who admitted a 20:1 return on vaccine investments, by far more the most profitable investments he’s ever made. (A self spreading experimental vaccine is now speading injury and death in Japan.)
The 3(2)(o) clause prescribed agreements that logically would include W.H.O. Amendments: Lockstep pandemic lockdowns, mandated and even forced quarantine & injections, AND UN SDGs that claim climate change is driven by human caused C02 emissions, of which there is no consensus despite the UN IPCC’s claims.
Why the UN SDG’s? Harvard’s T. H. Chan school of Public Health asserts a hypothesis that that climate change is a major cause of pandemics, again contrary to the historical facts of SARS and COVID in Canada, and elsewhere, see the published study data in the article referenced above.
Notice that although the data shows the most frequent cause of pandemics in Canada are leaks, accidents, or deliberate release from bioweapon labs OUTSIDE of Canada, C293 dictates the W.H.O. & UN propaganda that it’s Canadian’s free lifestyle, rights and freedoms that cause pandemics.
The UN "ONE HEALTH" in C293 Preable and Considerations 3(a), is deceptive ideology:
“a multisectoral and multidisciplinary collaborative approach that focuses on the human, animal, plant and ecosystem health and welfare interface — is central to preventing the risk of future pandemics”, again ignoring the facts.
This massive scope requires a complete restructuring and reorganization of the economy, and a suspension of our hard won freedoms and rights to eat meat, to live where we want and to have freedom of movement and even freedom of expression.
Bill C293 if anything, will destroy Canada and make life harming pandemics and egregious lockdown measures frequent and permanent resulting in a massive loss of health and life. See @stop293comtee on X for further discussion