BILL C-293
The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Bill was passed by the House of Commons on June 5, 2024, and is up for second reading in the Senate NOW. They have spent 15 minutes on it - here is the transcript so far. (worryingly, the Senator who introduced it also quoted Yuval Harari, see here)
UPDATE - There are only 6 fixed sitting days (and 3 more possible sitting days) in the Senate before the Christmas Break. Afterwards, possible sittings resume on January 27 while fixed sitting days start on February 4th. It is unclear when Bill C-293 will return to the floor for the continuation of the second reading. In the meantime, Canadians continue sending in letters, emails, voice mail messages and phone calls to explain to Senators why this bill should be dropped. The OneClick action alone has generated nearly 312,000 messages.
Here, in a discussion with Nova Scotia podcaster Tony Lohnes, three concerned and informed Canadian citizens, retired software engineer Matthew P, retired police officer Vincent Gircys and citizen journalist Wayne Peters contemplate the potential Bill C-293 has for the implentation of an unaccountable and dictatorial government in Canada.
Here are 6 easy ways to get your concern counted and to invite others to join you!
1) Visit Learn about the issues....Join a campaign... write letters...many ways to help!
2) ONE CLICK letter to Senators currently parked on this webpage
3) Visit for a step by step list of actions.
4) SPEAK NOW letter to a range of government officials including Senators:
5) Make a phone call, or after hours, leave a voice message - See SILENCE IS NOT AN OPTION here
6) Scroll down to the red buttons below and click on Letters - that content can be adapted and sent as you see fit.
See a more streamlined list of links and actions here:
NATHALIE ELGRABLY of le Journal de Montréal wrote this piece on October 31. It is reprinted here in English and in French and might inspire others to reach out to Senators or jouranlists...
Got some French speaking friends? Or do you want to contact Francophone Senators or MPs in French? Send them the link to this article on the WHO issues in French, which also gets in to C-293 for a bit. L’OMS ou la tentative d’un coup d’État mondial de la santé par Anne Doiron, MBA as part of the Reinfoquébec project!
This Open Letter was published on October 11, but it continues to be relevant. Feel free to modify and reuse any sections that express views you share:
Lluvias Trozzi posted this piece to catch the attention of the 20-30 year olds, as he is noting that most people waking up to the potentio of Bill C-293 are over 50. Take a peek here:
The cover page article ZERO MEAT by 2030 in Druthers makes for something eyecatching that could be photocopied and shared
This TikTok video by Karla Treadway looks like a mock ad by the Liberal party - and pulls no punches, illustrating many of the problematic parts of Bill C-293 (@KarlaTreadway)
This 7 minute video by BlenderNews clearly articulates key problems with Bill C-293 in a way that everyone can understand.
Here is a ONE PAGE press release that can be downloaded and shared:
Share this on Social media. The references for each point are found here: Seven Reasons to Just Say NO!
NEW - letter to Senators referencing c40 Cities agenda and Totalitarianism (here)
NEW - On Oct 31, LifeSiteNews published an article which has been recopied for easier sharing here (minus sidebars & advertisments)
NEW - discovered something OLD - When C-293 went through the House of Commons, this LAW PROFESSOR Professor and Associate Director of the Centre for Constitutional and Administrative Law Studies, Faculty of Law, Université Laval, explained the BILL IS UNNECESSARY and contravenes Provincial jurisdiction on health. (HERE)
BIG NEWS - The Alberta government is speaking out about how bill C-293 proposes to regulate and phase out farming etc. and oversteps AB constitutional jurisdiction (starts at the 9 min mark, has Pork, Beef and Chicken producer reps along with MInisters of Ag and Health)
See a response to AB Cabinet and Opposition members here. Adapt and use for your own writing.
NEW - A letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs - asking: What
specific actions is the Canadian government taking to protect national
sovereignty and personal autonomy in light of the potential influence
of global bodies like the UN and its Agenda 2030? (here). See MORE LETTERS to use and adapt here.
AB Data Analyst Sheldon Yakichuk points out: "You see…due to the vagueness of the bill, the world doesn’t need to be IN an actual PANDEMIC state, there only needs to be the threat of one." This insinuates that with the vagueness of Bill C-293 anything is possible. Vax mandates could be enacted even in the absence of an actuall circulationg virulent global pandemic. See the full article here.
Here is an article by Alberta farmer Tanya Clemens discussing the implications of Bill C-293 for farmers:
MEANWHILE, in response to Professor Charlebois' Toronto Sun piece, MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith put out a video to Senators along with a Substack post in which he is mking light of concerns such as those voiced by Dr. Charlebois. He laughs at what he calls conspiracy theories and tries to assure people that there is not much to this bill, and he should know, becasue he wrote it! See and
NEW: a Response to MP Erskine-Smith with a suggested REDRAFT of the TREATY to highlight current flaws. See here.
Liberals quietly announce new pandemic preparedness agency—Health Emergency Readiness Canada (HERC) NEW: See this Press Release and UNANSWERD QUESTIONS to share with MPs and Media.
Here is an explanation about what DOES cause pandemics (and it is what Bill C-293/UN ONE HEALTH says) (LINK)
What is the C-293 Legislation?
The “One Health” approach
Opposing views and concerns to Bill C-293
It is not conspiratorial to question…
All this and more in the latest article by Niagara, ON journalist Chris George here:
This article appeared on Oct 7 in the agricultural newspaper "Manitoba Cooperator" Pandemic preparedness bill could tighten noose on animal agriculture: industry
There is lots to learn on this topic. Older News & Calls to actions are posted below the buttons.
Click here for cartoons, posters, postcards and other visual tools to share via social media or otherwise.
Click here to hear lawyers and other experts EXPLAIN the problems with the wording and legal concepts in Bill C-293 as it currently stands.
Let's get a mass movement of video shorts out there... Instructions for making your own plus ready made clips for sharing.
Many ways to reach our senators: Easy one click pre-made letters, wording ideas for short emails, snail mail letters, etc.
Any shareable "What's wrong with the Bill" will be here. Flyers, info cards, one-pagers, etc.. Anyone who can download and print off PDFs becomes an EDUCATOR as our MEDIA stays silent.
How to get everyone onboard... BE THE MEDIA to those in your circle. REACH OUT to the influencers in every professional and societal group! See this email to JOURNALISTS for example:
Global Governance and the Tech Control Grid are now NOT just conspiracy theories. They are both alive and well and coming to a home near you... THIS is what those reading Bill C-293 carefully are wary of. Ditto for those reading the WHO's IHR and Pandemic treaty. (See here.) And those readying the UN's Summit for the Future documents already being approved via the UN's SILENT PROCEDURE. (See here.) And the many conferences around Global Governance that your news platforms did not tell you about. (See here.)
Clearly Canadians need to be reminded that HEALTH CARE is of provincial jurisdiction. Instead of having a top-down/foreign driven/pro-Pharma/control-grid-agenda-based bill with all terms vague, undefined and open to interpretation, AND without actual any content on health improvement, we need to resuscitate all of the provincial & territorial emergency/pandemic plans that served us well in every previous crisis prior to 2019. And we need to overlay those with the recommendations diligently gathered from 335 testimonies held country-wide over 27 days, along with lessons learned from those who successfully managed patient health preventing illness and death. Click to learn more...
To withdraw completely from Globalist organizations, etc. Click on the button to see more....
To read the discussion as this bill was originally presented see:
To follow the official progress line of the Pandemic Preparation and Preparadness Bill, where you can click on each component to link to speeches made, etc. see:
The First Reading occured in the Senate (no questions asked) on June 6, 2024.
Here is an idea: Write the PROVINCIAL or TERRITORIAL PREMIER... Asking them to do a review of how far Bill C-293 encroaches on provincial jurisdiciton. A letter template is included in this collection: This was successful in Alberta - keep the momentum going, try it in your province! (starts at the 9 min mark, has Pork, Beef and Chicken producer reps along with MInisters of Ag and Health)
Sept 17 - Calling ALL Canadians
Rally to Protect Canada from the UN
Meet at your local court house @12 Noon
(Toronto: Queen's Park Ottawa: Senate Court Houses)
Stop Bill C-293 (Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act)
We have all seen how the World Health Organization (WHO) has pushed through their amendments to the Pandemic Treaty and have been legitimizing their power-grab and the ability to declare a pandemic literally anywhere (or everywhere) whenever they so choose.
However these ‘legitimizations’ have been quietly happening here in Canada as well and one of the most egregious Bill’s that Trudeau is busy pushing through is Bill C-293, the infamous ‘Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act.’ According to Dr. Mark Trozzi, “This has the potential to sink our beloved Nation” and needs to be stopped immediately.
It is Time to Stand Together Canada!
Say NO to Bill C-293
Bill C-293 has already had its first reading in the Canadian Senate, and they will decide to either pass, amend, or reject C-293 at some point during the next session starting September 17, 2024.
To Learn More
Review the information and video‘s provided by James Roguski
Watch video of lawyer Lisa Miron sharing concerns
Visit LawyerLisa’s substack
Watch video from What’s Up Canada
Watch video with David Redmond
To Take Action
Use templates below & email senators in less that 5 minutes:
Make a phone call and express your opinion about Bill C-293
Time is limited but together we can still make an impact!
(courtesy of Freedom Rising)
(from an email to an unofficial Alberta based "Action Chain")
Hi everyone,
I KNOW everyone is super busy...
Today I am sharing ONE action that I hope you can squeeze in this weekend. Or at the very least, pass on to others.
Especially if it bothers you that our Members of Parliament PASSED the The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Bill as it was written 2 years ago. It was left WITHOUT ANY LESSONS LEARNED and WITHOUT actual measures to help improve everyone's health.
NOW the Bill comes before Canada's Senate on Tuesday.
People have made various tools to make actions easy. The different issues raised with the bill may sound different depending on the background of the writers.
1. Fill in this One-Click tool to get a letter to your own senators. Even if it is a duplicate, it shows the number of people concerned. This one comes from a lawyer's perspective
2. Send an email
to the AB Senators as a group:; ; ;;;
or for other provinces see (select LIST and Filter by province)
Here are links to various email texts you can use: (By Monday Sept 16).
3. Tell people about the move to gather at courthouses at noon of Tuesday Sept 17, anyone who is not working on Tuesday at noon and who can gather in front of the local courthouse for an hour.
Download and share the two items attached at this location:
You should see:
a "Gather" poster - you could share a screen capture of that in your social media feeds too.
a PDF with a few "did you know" quesitons for sharing with others
There are additional handouts on this website to share with passers by.
Let me know how many people showed up, if you end up attending. (My local courthouse just asked that people gathering outside don't come in and use the washroom as they are intended for courthouse visitors, not outside folk. Since this action has nothing to do with the provincial court, that makes us all outsiders.)
Keep an eye out for any more updates, videos and actions on this site: (share it with others.... people might learn something from the various sections/buttons).
The same kind of UN/WHO based tech surveillance/food impacting/climate fear based actions that are in Bill C-293 are also all over the United Nations Summit of the Future so follow this site for suggested actions on that
The Canadian Covid Care Alliance has provided a condensed list of 9 KEY POINTS, and a consicely worded backgrounder plus letter/email template for use by Canadians to send to their senators. (Sept. 13)
Anyone just arriving to this website or just now learning about this topic is invited to visit this explanation of the issues first. (LINK)
We are Calling for a 1 Million People Email March to Our Senators ! Let’s make this HAPPEN.
See here for a series of materials to email out to others. This is shared by someone who finds a link between the recent sentencing of the last of the detained Freedom Convoy participants AND the potential of goverment officials to use the broadly worded provisions of Bill C-293 to provide similar overreaches of justice. (LINK)
Writer Connie Shields urges Canadians NOT to get caught up with red herrings. The problem of Bill C-293 is far bigger than just that they did not incorporate lessons learned from the last pandemic. The bill’s most dangerous elements are: its broad grant of undefined powers, its jurisdictional overreach, and its potential to undermine the rights of every Canadian. (posted Sept. 11, 2024)
The newly formed citizen group World Council for Health Canada lists various ways in which Bill C-293 is inadequate and provides links to explanatory vidoes and various action opportunities.
The Authours of THE CANADIAN INDEPENDENT Substack page have been reporting on news outside of the mainstream for quite some time. Here is their assessment of Bill C-293:
IN Fort McMurray Alberta, on SEPTEMBER 11, Concerned Citizens used the 9-11 date symbolism to rally outside their MLA's offices.
This call comes from a group that has long been watching the actions of the World Health Organization. The interconnections between Bill C-293 and the WHO's International Health Regulations, including "One Health" concepts, are very obvious to those who have long been aware of the issues. An openly public move to "Global Governance" is now clearly underway.
These three online petition items have been shared by some of the folks watch the WHO and the UN very closely.