Links to interviews are being posted here as we become aware of them, our most recent discoveries at the top. (So not necessarily in true chronological order.)
This was a live streamed event with Michael Alexander - Constitutional lawyer, Lisa Miron - Litigation lawyer, and Dr. Mark Trozzi - Medical Rights Activist live in person on Wed. Oct. 16th in Burlington ON #billc293. https://rumble.com/v5jr6ol-bill-c-293-pandemic-prevention-and-preparedness-act-live-oct.-23-from-7-930.html
The World Health Organization is NOT what it seems. Canadian attorney Lisa Miron explains on her substack LawyerLisa that the 2005 International Health Regulations allow the WHO to set up National IHR Focal Points (NFPs) as coordinating centers for pandemic response. Like renowned US cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, YOU are going to be amazed at what she has uncovered. https://lawyerlisa.substack.com/p/lisa-and-dr-mccullough-expose-worm Here, Lawyer Lisa goes back into these topics with US medical broadcaster, Dr. Drew. https://drdrew.com/2024/election-day-counter-programming-w-debbie-lerman-lisa-miron-ask-dr-drew/
David Krayden speaks with Kamel El-Cheik and Lisa Miron about what this bill means for you and your country.
Here is an earlier video with David Krayden https://rumble.com/v5gsdbw-trudeau-wants-a-meatless-canada-bill-c-293-trudeaus-trojan-horse-stand-on-g.html and another in which he speaks with Canadian farmer Vicki Dutton https://rumble.com/v5h6b5h-bill-c-293-a-canadian-farmer-speaks-out-stand-on-guard.html
Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin Podcast with Matthew P, Vincent Gircys and Wayne Peters and host Tony Lohnes to talk about Bill 293, the everything Bill that will destroy Canada if it is passed.
https://rumble.com/v5kil6q-canadians-awakening-to-the-horrors-of-bill-293-that-will-end-canada-if-pass.html Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin also spoke with Dr. Rima Laibow a few weeks earlier. https://rumble.com/v5g3f76-dangerous-bill-293-if-passed-you-can-kiss-your-judiciary-system-health-land.html
Here YouTuber Clyde Do Something learns from Dr. Sylvain Charlebois about some of the concerning parts of Bill C-293. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55KpMkekx2Q
Here is an interview in which Will Dove of Strong and Free hears from ON Lawyer Lisa Miron; https://rumble.com/v5e26ct-medical-tyranny-returns-to-canada-bill-c-293-lisa-miron.html
Wayne Peters of What's Up Canada was interviewed on the TFM Report, roughly 3 weeks ago: https://rumble.com/v5eb7q9-bill-c-293-with-wayne-peters.html
Shared by someone:
For anyone looking for a great podcast to listen to on the go (or just read transcript), Brett Hawe's recent interview with Lawyer Lisa Miron @
dissect bill C293, virtually clause by clause ...
this might be the same interview: https://onwardpod.substack.com/p/pandemic-prevention-or-power-grab
Lawyer Lisa goes down east...
Bill C-293 with Wayne Peters https://rumble.com/v5eb7q9-bill-c-293-with-wayne-peters.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp (September 9, 2024)
Many Canadian lawyers are sounding the alarm. Much of what is NOT said in the bill is more important than what is said. One such lawyer is Lisa Miron. https://lawyerlisa.substack.com
https://lawyerlisa.substack.com/p/my-open-letter-to-the-senate-parliament (On Sept 3 she wrote about serious concerns about Canada tying in with the amorphous "ONE HEALTH" verbiage used by the World Health Organization. This would allow them to declare emergencies on anything under the sun.)
This interview is crucial to help Canadians undestand what is at stake:
https://lawyerlisa.substack.com/p/michael-alexander-and-lawyerlisa (Sept 4)