Here's an older video to get a feeling for what conversations in committee are sometimes like - and to meet the originator of the Bill


The article entitled Pandemic preparedness and the road to international fascism by former World Health Organization medical officer DAVID BELL was published in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology on 30 July 2023. It is being added here as it provides much needed context to the gradual evolution from the original focus of the WHO to the current focus on medical fascism. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ajes.12531 

More to come. 

Currently the drop down menu includes:

BREAKING BARRIERS - how to help others see that today's WHO and UN are not what we were used to.

INFORMATION PACKAGES - which can be shared with specific audiences

WORLD UPDATE - not yet updated - Shows which countries experssed reservations about signing on a few months back.