This LETTER ARCHIVE shows (in reverse order) materials prepared for this site PRIOR to World Health Assembly 77 - the gathering of member nation representatives of the World Health Organization held from May 27 to June 2, 2024. The materials can STILL BE USED as learning tools. Depending on the results of the WHA, some messaging might be reworked and added to the LETTERS section (under ACT), ready for continued use.




KEY MESSAGES being shared prior to the World Health Assembly at the end of May 2024 are avaible at this link (PDF) and this link (MS WORD).

Questions needing Answers 

re: Canada’s vote on the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments

There are a TON of unanswered questions around how Canada is even deciding how to vote.

Some echo those asked by Dr. Leslyn Lewis two years ago (see HELLO GOVERNMENT, under BREAKING NEWS). Others are more recent and can STILL BE ASKED OF JOURNALISTS - since they have NOT BEEN looking to investigate these matters.  See: 

 this link (PDF) and this link (MS WORD). 


This Open Letter was written by former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown in his role as WHO ambassador and signed by over 100 former state and WHO leaders: https://gordonandsarahbrown.com/2024/03/pandemic-accord-joint-letter/ 

This Open Letter was written by former WHO scientist and researcher David Bell: https://openletter-who.com/  See (LINK- when uploaded)

This PRESS BRIEFING (PDF) was written to summarize:

WHEELBARROW LETTER CAMPAIGN           (started March 2024)

Sending letters is EASY and only costs printer ink, paper and envelopes!


Canadians can express their concerns about the WHO and UN to the MPs via WEEKLY postage-free letters! 

Below you find links to pre-written letters that can easily be customized. 

#1-17 were written earlier, before the voting drafts of the two documents were released.

#20 onward are drafted around more recent documentation. It is recommended you start with these more recent letters OR you select from the KEY POINTS shown above while adding your own concerns, possibly following this template.

Letter template 

If you would like to write a letter yourself, consider following this template.

{Your name and Address}

{Today's Date}

{Member of Parliament's name}
House of Commons (HOC)
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6 

Dear {Member of Parliament's name}:

<< WRITE YOUR 2-3 key CONCERNS HERE - format them as questions and request a reply >> 

As your constituent, I firmly request the expedited withdrawal of Canada from the WHO, the UN and their associated organizations.  In the short term, I ask that you seek the answers to my questions and find ways to ensure that the WHO defers the vote on the Pandemic Treaty and the International Health Regulation amendments as they clearly cannot go ahead at this time.

Respectfully yours, 

{Your signature}

{Your name}

Optional Enclosure:  Questionnaire (Please fill out the questionnaire and kindly mail it back to me with your response to this letter)

CC:  The Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health 

The Honourable Mélanie Jolie, Minister of Foreign Affairs 

Dr. Stephen Ellis, Shadow Minister of Health 

The Honourable Michael Chong, Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice

Mr. Rob Moore, Shadow Minister of Justice

Ms. Leslyn Lewis, MP


Note: Your riding MP is obliged to respond to you within 90 days of receipt of your written letter. There appears to be no such obligation with emailed letters. You may choose to  include a questionnaire in one of the letters you send to your riding MP. 

So,  at minimum,  you send the same letter to at least 5 Members of Parliament, which multiplies the effect of sending a single letter.

If 10% of 90,000 PEOPLE WHO SIGNED THE PETITION, began sending letters at the start of the campaign, THEN there will be already almost half a million letters sent. 

At the end of May email a tally of the letters you sent to canadaexitwho@proton.me. Scroll to the bottom for more details.

Letter categories and samples
NOTE - Letters posted prior to April 11 are numbered 1 - 17, while new letters are numbered starting with 20. Please read the old letters for background information, but send out the new letters instead. More to come. (Until then, follow the template above and fill it in with 2-3 of Questions needing Answers - or your own concerns of course. (Without saying that the Pandemic Treaty takes away national sovereignty.)

UNCATEGORIZED - letters seeking answers to questions from various individuals -- to function as awareness tools

b) provincial/territorial

c) federal

Folder with letter samples:


List of currently available of letters: 

Letter #20 - petition (add Top Ten Issues)

Letter #21 - petition (add Top Ten Issues )

Letter #22 - to ANYONE

Letter #23 in three versions:          -municipal government reps

-prov/territorial gov. reps

-federal government reps


Letter #1 -  WD UN/WHO

Letter #2 - IHR

Letter #3 - IHR

Letter #4 - IHR

Letter #5 - IHR

Letter #6 - Treaty

Letter #7 - Treaty

Letter #8 - IHR

Letter #9  - Treaty

Letter #10 - Treaty

Letter #11 - Treaty

Letter #12 - Treaty

Letter #13 - IHR

Letter #14 - IHR

Letter #15 - IHR

Letter #16 - Treaty

Letter #17 - Treaty

You will be able to download them in DOC and PDF format  from this folder. 

Principles underpinning the campaign

Our letter campaign is UNDERPINNED by two principles:


This rule of law embodies common law, our 1867-1982 Canadian Constitution, the 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights & the Criminal Code of Canada 

Learn about the differences between The Canadian Bill of Rights and Charter of Rights.



Letters sent

 to  Constituent's MP

Letters copied 

to Ministers, Shadow Ministers 


The following documentation must be kept for each letter sent to ensure your Member of Parliament’s transparency and accountability.


Please send postage-free letters to the MPs at their Parliament Hill office’s address below.  The address is the same for all of them.

(MP’s Name)House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario


K1A 0A6

Optional Questionnaire

You may wish to include this Questionnaire in the letters sent to the Member of Parliament of your riding.  

It can be removed from subsequent letters to your MP or from the letter that you copy to the Ministers and Shadow Ministers, unless the Minister is the MP for your riding.

Questionnaire for my constituency’s MP

{Name of MP}


Date: _____________________________

Please provide any additional details to your responses below:

Please return your response to my letter and the completed questionnaire to:

{Name, Address}

Response Tracking 

We are currently exploring the options for keeping track of politicians' responses. 

In meanwhile, you can send an email to canadaexitwho@proton.me with feedback and any information you wish to share. 

Your contact and information will not be shared or used anywhere, except for the purpose identified here, which is tracking the politicians' responses. Consider taking a photo of each set of addressed envelopes before mailing them to help document your letter-writing activities.

NOTE: the text of the first and second e-petitions referenced in the letters as well as MP Leslyn Lewis' responses has been moved under BREAKING NEWS and HELLO GOVERNMENT

DISCLAIMER: All content on this site is for information only, and should not be construed as legal/medical advice.