Once the current World Health Assembly has wrapped up, we will most likely have many more reasons to write
to our federal MPs & Senators
to House and Senate Committees
to our provincial/territorial government representatives
to our municipal government representatives
to our employers, unions and other related bodies
to all decision makers in organizations of all kinds
to the mainstream and independent media outlets who have been SILENT on all of these matters.
The unelected officials and "regular employees" in globe-circling institutions themselves often are not seeing/hearing/understanding the implications of the private/public partnership approach to health care governance.
All citizens can LEARN, ACT and SHARE in the their circles of influence and beyond - when given the needed information to see the big picture.
Stay tuned!
Letter to Members of the Social Affairs, Science and Technology Committee re: Bill C-293 on Pandemic Preparedness
Excuse the odd formatting. Hopefully by copying and pasting the text as is, it arranges itself into nearly correct letter format.
Letter to Sender’s Name Mailing Address Mailing Address Postal Code
(PROVINCIAL/TERRITORIAL Senators - reflecting where the letter writers lives. Names/emails can be found here https://sencanada.ca/en/senators/)
AND Members of the Social Affairs, Science and Technology Committee:
Chair: Ratna Omidvar ON Ratna.Omidvar@sen.parl.gc.ca Deputy Chair: Jane Cordy NS jane.cordy@sen.parl.gc.ca Wanda Thomas Bernard NS WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca Patrick Brazeau QB Patrick.Brazeau@sen.parl.gc.ca Sharon Burey ON sharon.Burey@sen.parl.gc.ca René Cormier NB Rene.Cormier@sen.parl.gc.ca Donna Dasko ON Donna.Dasko@sen.parl.gc.ca Frances Lankin ON frances.Lankin@sen.parl.gc.ca Rosemary Moodie ON Rosemary.Moodie@sen.parl.gc.ca Flordeliz (Gigi) Osler MB flordeliz.Osler@sen.parl.gc.ca Chantal Petitclerc QB Chantal.Petitclerc@sen.parl.gc.ca Judith G. Seidman QB judith.seidman@sen.parl.gc.ca
AND Sponsor of the Pandemic Day Act (formerly Bill S-209) Marie-Françoise Mégie QB marie-francoise.megie@sen.parl.gc.ca
Honourable Senators,
As an Albertan, I am writing my four Alberta Senators to represent me as you move ahead in the discussions around Bill C-293, which just passed First Reading in the Senate. And as a concerned citizen of Canada, I am also addressing the members of the Social Affairs, Science and Technology Committee of the Senate as I suspect it will be your committee that will be tasked with giving this Bill a closer examination.
Firstly, thank you all for serving in Canada’s Senate as the much needed body of “sober, second thought.” Secondly, please know that I am duly impressed by the scope and depth of all of your life experiences. I realize that many of you come with extensive medical backgrounds, as well as insights into many other aspects of society and for that I am grateful.
I am attaching a brief article which illustrates our current situation - MPs who relied solely upon the “mainstream, WHOcentered” voice and its predictable “solution”, i.e. getting more mRNA products/vaccines ready for whatever is predicted to come next. MPs who were unaware that science continues to evolve, and to point AWAY from the corporate-driven “solutions” they hinted at in their bill.
Suffice it to say that we all as Canadians have suffered greatly since our mainstream (i.e. government funded and corporate backed) media failed in its mandate to ensure that they present the public with a wide spectrum of views and insights on matters of great public importance. The greatest tragedy of our time has been and continues to be the active censoring out of medical and scientific professionals on the topic of COVID-19 prevention and response measures. This was done to pave the way for clear passage of one solution only - that of widespread sale of current (and future) products built using the quick and easy mRNA platform by BigPharma.
Anyone who takes a look at mainstream COVID-related reporting over these past few years with an eye to the codes of ethics that are supposed to govern Canada’s journalists and broadcasters will note the failure of our mainstream media to inform and educate the population - which includes the MPs as well as yourselves. (Please see the most relevant ethics codes here: https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/are-our-canadian-media-living-up.) Instead, our broadcasters have partnered with the social media corporations that invest heavily in both vaccine and weapons technology. Broadcasters, like the CBC, and are trusting corporations running social media platforms to filter out the expert voices whose proven methods to treat COVID-19 kept a good 85% of patients out of hospital and quickly recovering at home BEFORE the COVID-19 vaccines were on the market. However, to ensure the vaccines received their emergency use authorization and were able to be sold to the buyers with the biggest pockets (our governments) any other treatments had to be eliminated. The trick: teach AI to deem any word of non-vaccine treatment as dreaded “MDM” - Misinformation, Disinformation and Malformation and eliminate those who discuss it. The resulting shadow banning, demoting, firing, removal of licence to practice, even committing to a psych ward (yes here in Canada) and overseas, even jailing of “Covid dissidents” and other “inconvenient” voices is not making its way to headlines within the mainstream and may even be a surprise to you.
As you are being told the current wording of Bill C-293 is the be-all and end-all for pandemic prevention, and as the world outside of the mainstream media bubble is becoming aware of the steps being taken toward the Decade of Pandemics (as earlier messaged by Dr. Pandemic himself, Mr. Bill Gates), I ask you to courageously look outside of the mainstream WHO-focussed media bubble. Please ask yourselves how many changes to the assumptions listed in the preamble of Bill-C293 will need to be reexamined to ensure that Canada is adequately prepared to see through corporate hype and actually implement evidence-based measures that have been proven to work without the harms engendered by our first kick at the pandemic can from 2020 to today.
It is certainly wise to have a Bill that directs government to create a Pandemic Preparedness Plan. However, the premises upon which the Bill and the proposed Pandemic Prevention Plan are predicated need rethinking to ensure they reflect current realities and evidence based findings in all of the related fields.
Allow me to highlight just a few problematic sections found at the start of the June 5, 2024 version of the document https://www.parl.ca/documentviewer/en/44-1/bill/C-293/third-reading:
the Minister of Health must appoint a national pandemic prevention and preparedness coordinator from among the officials of the Public Health Agency of Canada to coordinate the activities under the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act. (See comment 1)
Whereas Parliament is committed to making efforts to prevent the risk of and prepare for future pandemics and to promote transparency and accountability in relation to those efforts; (2)
Whereas a One Health approach — a multisectoral and multidisciplinary collaborative approach that focuses on the human, animal, plant and ecosystem health and welfare interface — is central to preventing the risk of future pandemics; (3)
It is precisely the officials of the Public Health Agency of Canada who bear the responsibility for trusting and passing along the ever changing directives of the World Health Organization which in effect resulted in Canada having much poorer outcomes (all cause mortality statistics for example) than those countries who held to the WHO procedures from prior to 2020. When provinces like Alberta then implemented these directives, we ended up with record breaking numbers of deaths of “unknown cause” that PHAC should have transparently investigated. Likewise PHAC was warned prior to the vaccine roll-out of the poor results in the data re: infection and transmission which it proceeded to ignore as it implemented the terms of signed contracts with Pfizer/Moderna/AZ et al. It is members of PHAC who removed the requirements that manufacturers provide independently verifiable safety and efficacy data before granting authorization for use. It is PHAC officials who drove provinces and territories to disregard long standing emergency preparedness planning (which included pandemic planning) which was based on local realties, local contact networks etc.. By taking over emergency management across the country PHAC stepped “out of its lane” and grossly overstepped its mandate with poor results. It was also PHAC officials who stayed quiet as the latest federal budget bill was written to strangle Canadians’ access to natural health products. PHAC officials should have taken the lead in responding forthrightly to the many concerns, questions and feedback directed at government be it via order paper questions, input from the pharmaceutical industry or simply from citizens, but they provided only platitudes. PHAC lacked the necessary objectivity to question why under WHO decision making basic definitions around “pandemic” “vaccine” “immunity” etc. were changed to open the way for many of the 217 “non-state actors” of the WHO to reap the type of “benefits” that are being written about in the latest WHO treaties recently under deliberation in Geneva. It is PHAC officials who stayed quiet and DID NOT speak out at the World Health Assembly to point out that WHO officials were moving ahead with voting of key documents IN VIOLATION OF THEIR OWN RULES and procedures. Clearly the Public Health Agency of Canada as it is currently constituted has lost the moral authority to be entrusted with the supervision of a future pandemic preparedness plan. https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/deaths-with-unknown-causes-now-alberta-s-top-killer-province-1.5975536 https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/witness/shawn-buckley/ https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/witness/lt-col-david-redman/ https://nhppa.org/
https://www.canadaexitwho.org/en/hello-government https://www.canadaexitwho.org/learn/breaking-barriersIF Parliament was truly committed to transparency and accountability, it would have participated in the independent and apolitical inquiry into the government’s handing of the COVID crisis. If you as Senators are not aware of how many letters were sent to summon federal, provincial and territorial health officials to testify at the National Citizens Inquiry, if you are not aware of the hundreds of recommendations that came out of 24 days of hearings in 2023 held across 8 cities, then we have clear evidence of the willful censoring out of this crucial information via Canadian mainstream media. Assuming that your committee has not yet deliberated as to when which of the NCI Commissioners’ many recommendations can be drafted into new Senate bills moving forward, before any further work on Bill C-293 is undertaken, I highly recommend a close examination of this work: https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/commissioners-report/
As briefly mentioned in the attached article, the idea that the increasing frequency of pandemic outbreaks is tied to human/nature contact, does not reflect the reality of bioweapons development. I highly recommend that all who read this letter take the time to listen to both talks given on April 15, 2024 by Dr. Meryl Nass - as she long ago testified to Canadian legislative bodies on anthrax and other bioweapons development and has continued to examine the role of the WHO, the US and other militaries and the connections between laboratory driven “gain of function” research over the decades since the first Iraq war. The narrative that human-caused climate change and human encroachment into jungles and forests drives pandemics plays exactly into the goals of those who wish to limit human populations and surveil their presence upon the earth. Long standing peace advocates point out that we “are living under the dictatorship of a financial oligarchy, for which the common good is nonexistent and whose sole interest is to maximize its own privileges.” In addition to Dr. Meryl Nass, many other speakers gave talks that would help Senators understand better what would be needed when it comes to pandemic preparedness. https://cmsindipendente.it/seminario20240419 https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2021/10/11/a-wake-up-call-the-danger-for-mankind-is-not-the-climate-but-toleration-of-a-devious-policy-that-uses-climate-to-destroy-us/ What is truly CENTRAL in readying a country for any major health crisis, including pandemics, is to focus on preventative factors - building immune resilience and reducing factors that are a drain on each person’s ability to fight off whatever they may encounter. Additionally, it is time to lift the censorship curtain on those treatments that were so effective and beneficial before the mRNA vax machine moved in to silence their advocates. Learn about Vitamin D insufficiency as just one easy factor to deal with https://areyougettingenough.info/ and hear more from one of the major pioneers of early treatment protocols for viral infections: https://rumble.com/v503re0-dr.-pierre-kory-june-1-2024-reginasaskatchewan.html
I close trusting that you, my Senators, will ensure that this maxim does NOT come to pass: “Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me.”
Thank you for your attention to these matters,
Sender’s Name Sender’s Signature