Information package: Video Wall

David Bell


David Bell is a clinical and public health physician with a PhD in population health and a background in internal medicine, modelling and epidemiology of infectious disease. He has worked in global health and biotech for 20 years, including coordinating malaria diagnostics strategy with the WHO.

Timeline with key messages

1:00 IHR (International Health Regulations) amendments are based on the following assumptions:

2:00 If any of these assumptions don’t make sense then the whole treaty process and IHR amendments don’t make sense.

3:00 WHO moved from core contributions to specified contributions (75%) meaning the funders give money for a project specified by the funder (“gun for hire”)

4:00 Before COVID 19, from WHO directly, did not recommend under any circumstances; contact tracing, quarantine of exposed individuals, exit screening or border closures because they would have very little effect and harm low-income populations.

6:13 – 7:04 In Africa 1.3 billion people were not at risk (mainly because of the younger population) but the WHO pushed hard for lockdowns.

7:45 – 8:21 In South Asia ¼ of a million children died, not from COVID but from lockdowns.

8:30 This is the outcome of ignoring everything we knew about COVID from early 2020.

9:52 – 10:45 “No one is safe unless everyone is safe” If you vaccinate some people, they’re not safe until you vaccinate the rest. So, the vaccine, according to the WHO doesn’t work to protect anyone. WHO knew it doesn’t stop transmission. If the slogan is false, we need to question the program.

12:05 – 12:46 WHO main concentration is now on pandemics. IHR makes recommendations to member states – affects sovereignty – surveillance network - needs only a threat to designate an emergency – censorship to stop people from complaining about it.

14:00 – 14:56 WHO is directed by individuals who have a clear conflict of interest, 50% of member states are not democracies, their track record is poor, it is a bureaucracy not a technical agency (less expertise than would be found in most developed countries), highly centralized control of any complex situation like a real pandemic. We need a localized response.

14:59 – 16:30 Many institutions are behind this – this public-private partnership is the new model for international health. We end up with commodity based public health that will make money for the private interests.

Quotes regarding Sovereignty, Competence and Ethics


 2:56 “The WHO has moved from a technical agency to a tool for funders to do what they want or essentially a gun for hire.”

Competence and Ethics: 

6:34 “What was being published was that because Africa was poorer, they were going to have a disaster from COVID, even though everyone including the WHO knew that wasn’t the case.”

7:30 “Despite that the WHO pushed hard for lockdowns in Africa.” 

7:50 “Because of these measures, in South Asia a quarter of a million children died not from COVID but from lockdowns.”

8:28” This is the outcome of ignoring everything we knew about COVID in early 2020 in low-income countries.”

Ethics and Values: 

9:50 “’ No one is safe unless everyone is safe’”. If you vaccinate some people, they’re not safe until you vaccinate the rest. So, the vaccine, according to the WHO doesn’t work to protect anyone. If the slogan is false, we need to question the program. Low-income countries did not gain but other people did.”


12:10 “The IHR is a legally binding document that makes recommendations into requirements for countries. That’s how it affects sovereignty.”

Competence and Ethics: 

13:50 “To summarize, the WHO is directed by individuals with clear conflicts of interest, 50% of member states are not democracies, there is a poor track record, it is a bureaucracy with less expertise than is found in most developed countries and it has a highly centralized control of complex situations like pandemics. We need a localized response.”


15:37 “This is the work of public-private partnerships which is the new model for public health…we end up with commodity-based public health that will make money for private interests…This will be run by public money to produce private profit.”

Astrid Stuckelburger 

Astrid Stuckelburger Video with Del Bigtree


Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger (MSc, PhD, PD) is an international health scientist conducting and directing research in clinical and epidemiological studies on the science for policy makers for 30 years. She is a former member of the Research and Ethics Review Committee at the WHO and has contributed to several WHO books, notably International Research Ethics Training.

Timeline with key messages

0:23 Clips at the start from the interview with Astrid from 2021 all worth watching. e.g. 2:00 “Science is in a very difficult place…” or 2:19 “They are trying to lockdown, annihilate any thinking, emotion, cognition. I’m calling people to wake up. They are creating a perpetual pandemic.”

3:20 - 3:50 Astrid’s work with WHO Ethics Research Committee

6:37 – 7:42 The 2005 booklet International Health Regulations. She oversaw human rights of the traveller “It’s not happening now but it’s a beautiful booklet... a lawyer can use that booklet to attack the government.”

7:45 D.B.: “When did you realize it was being turned on its head” A.S.: I was told to stop teaching this at the university.

9:50 in 2020 travelling through Frankfurt… there is a virus, fearmongering etc. I thought there is something wrong, we need to take time, what we have been teaching, agent characterization, analysis little by little and then they started these tests, we never taught to do a diagnosis with the technology that has not been validated by the doctors. PCR is used for research only. CDC document on July 13, 2019, Limitations; PCR cannot diagnose anything. Quality control was not respected at all. WHO document Medical Product Alert in 2020, the PCR cannot be used without giving the amplification cycle.

12:13 Important point about comparing SARS COV 1 and SARS COV2 in her article WHO IHR vs COVID-19 Uncertainty. SAR COV 1 took 8 months to touch 24 countries. It didn’t travel from Korea to Frankfurt in 1 day. The corona virus is mutating so quickly, they could not develop a vaccine if it even is a virus. Koch’s Postulates were not applied. One must also test to determine whether it’s chemical or radio-nuclear or something else. Is it a virus, bacteria, a chemical agent, parasite, bioweapon? There should be lots of testing in each nation. None of this happened.

15:24 And we got locked down after one month. Sars COV 1 took 8 months to reach 24 countries and SARS COV 2 took one month for lockdowns word wide. Why did the scientists studying SARS COV1 not get invited to weigh in instead of using computer models?

15:44 They are slowly changing the agenda of the WHO… they are preparing a treaty convention of a new type… they want to take down the constitutions of the member states and establish a WHO constitution as the only one government… How can they do that?

19:00 In the Constitution of the WHO, articles 19 to 22, you have it all, how they can take a grab on the world and what they have already done since January 2020 in the name of an emergency they:

Look at the copy where they did not erase the footnotes.

24:26 Bill Gates came to Switzerland in 2006 creating the Foundation, in 2009 signed an agreement which gives him total immunity with the Swiss government, giving him the status of a member state. Gavi Alliance enjoys privileges and immunities similar to those enjoyed by other intergovernmental organizations in Switzerland.

26:18 D.B.: N.G.O. (non-governmental organizations) in many ways are criminals, Bill Gates “busted for trying to run monopolies”, then it seems he thought “I’ll do the same thing and call it non-profit work, I’m investing in humanity”. Now we are seeing the dangers of it.

27:08 D.B.: Controlling the movement of people through vaccine passports – experimental drugs never achieved what they promised – now we’re seeing health complications, world-wide rises in all-cause mortality. We have more scientists speaking out now against health departments and government agencies than any moment in history – scientists at the top of their field saying, “wake up”.

28:57 D.B.: Are people getting it? A.S.: Yes, it’s getting better, but they don’t see the magnitude of it. They have to take over their sovereignty and people have a hard time thinking their government lies.

We have to create a new world – we cannot stay with someone who lies. WHO is taking the grab in the name of values and ethics – everyone has to have a certificate, all must obey, and we are taking care of you, like Hansel and Gretel.

30:20 The WHO will offer its aid and if you do not obey, the Compliance Committee will force you. Language becoming more and more coercive.

31:00 They are trying to implement a shorter time span between alert and response. They want to establish permanent alert – response – fear so that people are afraid and think they must take a vaccine etc. They are changing the rhetoric in the name of equality, everyone must have a certificate, we will help you if everyone obeys.

32.03 Take away the power of nationality and impose WHO. D.B.: The media (with WHO control) has done the job of changing the word “nationalist” into a different meaning; a white supremacist, crazy and dangerous.

33:00 Timeline 2020 to 2023+: Phase 1= virus fear Phase 2 = Total control

Tyranny of tests – McKinsey and Company are behind this.

35:00 The ethics; there was no validation on the 2021 “clinical trial”, even today, people may not realize this and it was unethical because of conflicts of interest, no liability, companies don’t pay for damage, forced consent, abuse of power, even the lack of informing people of the results. As a former member of the Research and Ethics Committee none of this is ethical, they wouldn’t even say what was in the vial.

36:20 WHO has been planning AI digitalization, biotech, internet of things, internet of bodies for achieving total control. Genome editing – CRISPR- edited cells linked to cancer risk (2 studies)- this is unethical “I was shocked.”

38:03 D.B: Why is the WHO even discussing genome editing? A.S. “Genome editing is a no go. The convention of bioethics of Oviedo says don’t touch the genome. It’s an inheritance of humanity.”

38:42 Where is the ethics in CRISPR? You take a piece of the genome and put in something else – when you look at the research on gene therapy, all the people who changed their genome died in the next generation.

40:00 D.B.: Who is “they” and what are they trying to accomplish? A.S.: There are different levels, the puppets and somebody above. The Secretary-General of the UN (Antonio Guterres) meets with all the leaders of the world in September, and he answers to the Security Council made up of 5 countries and a group of people directing him. The WHO is led by Tedros and GAVI, but above this is a public-private partnership.

The governments of the world are not governments anymore. They are CEOs of a larger group that is not so large. Criminal activity occurs and the very people that should be questioned (or arrested) are rising to positions of power in UN, WHO. There is an agenda going on.

42:48 Bill Gates stated publicly that he wants to reduce population. It’s very scary because they want to go to children and babies, sterilize men and women and exterminate the original human genome because they know that WE are powerful. We are scaring them. Maybe it’s their last battle. That’s also spiritual. We have to make sure that we are anchored in our DNA in our genome, spiritually as well.

44:26 D.B.: Many scientists are talking about the spiritual life. A.S.: There is so much behind all this that I even question if they’re human. There is much that is unacceptable, ethically and morally.

44:30 General Romeo Dallaire (a Canadian peacekeeper) was posted in Rwanda and was sent troops for a genocide. He saw the genocide and couldn’t do anything, nobody helped him. He said” I know there is a God because in Rwanda I shook hands with the devil. I have seen him. I have smelled him, and I have touched him. I know the devil exists and therefore I know there is a God.”

45:02 Where do you get your strength? Know that there is a higher force, a universe and we need to be connected to a source. We are electro-magnetic; we have a heart and a heart-brain coherence. When you love, the frequency of love has been measured and it is a high frequency. This is where we are going with the next medicine.

47:31 What we need to be doing: on a political level, say no. Cut finances to those people (where are our taxes going?) On a human level, reinforce our power, work together on solutions, create a new way of living, own yourself and come back to simple ways like making food yourself. Reconsider life very differently because we have been programmed.

Quotes regarding Sovereignty, Competence and Ethics


0:23 “The pandemic is organized internationally in a systemic way and The WHO doesn’t communicate but dictates.”

0:56 “They are paying the media for producing what they want.”


0:59 “Where does this money come from but our taxes? We are financing the vaccine campaign and the death of people. Do you see how unethical this is?”

2:19 “The Who are trying to lockdown and annihilate and thinking, emotion, and cognition. I’m calling people to wake up.”


13:20” I have seen evidence that Koch’s Postulates were not applied. And this is mutating so quickly that at each border you have to establish whether it is a virus, bacteria, parasite, a chemical agent, radio-nuclear or is it a bioweapon. This was in the IHR course. First you do detective work. None was done. It was standardized.”


18:39 “I saw that they wanted to take down the constitution of the member states and establish the WHO constitution as the only one government”

29:10 “People have to take over their sovereignty and they have a hard time to think that their government lies.”


29:30 “We have to create a new world; we cannot stay with someone who lies. The WHO is taking the grab in the name of values and ethics.”

33:20 “2020 and 2021 was the creation of fear… the scientific lies and deception have been rolled out under this fear very easily”.

34:32 “I 2021 they rolled out the experimental clinical trial…this has never happened; why do you put million people in a clinical trial?”

35:00 “There is no validation even today, people may not realize. And it is unethical because there is conflict of interest, no liability, forced consent, and abuse of power. As a former member of the WHO Ethics and Review committee, none of this is ethical.”

38:00 On genome editing within the WHO: “Genome editing is a no go. The convention of Bioethics of Oviedo says ‘Don’t touch the genome. It’s an inheritance of humanity.”

38:36 “They said that there is a ‘junk genome’ but some people say the junk genome is most interesting. That’s where our power, our antennae are spiritually connected.”

38:55 “CRISPR; you go in the genome, take a piece and put in something else…when you look at the research on gene therapy, all the people who changed their genome died in the next generation.”

41:13 “Above this there is a public-private partnership. The governments of the world are not governments anymore. They are CEOs of a larger group.

42:12 “Bill Gates has stated publicly he wants to reduce the population… they want to go to children and babies, sterilize men and women and exterminate the original human genome because we are powerful. We are scaring them.”

45:02 “Where do you get your strength? There is a higher force, a universe and we need to be connected to a higher source. We are electro-magnetic; we have a heart and a heart-brain coherence. When you love, the frequency of love has been measured and it is a high frequency. This is where we are going with the next medicine.”

47:31 “What we need to be doing: on a political level, say no. Cut finances to those people (where are our taxes going?) On a human level, reinforce our power, work together on solutions, create a new way of living, own yourself and come back to simple ways like making food yourself. Reconsider life very differently because we have been programmed.”

UK Parliamentary Debate - Andrew Bridgen

Andrew Bridgen is a British politician who has served as a member of parliament for the Conservative Party since 2010 and was suspended from that party in April 2023 for having serious concerns about the harms that vaccines cause. He joined the Reclaim Party in May 2023

Timeline with key messages

1:36 IHR and pandemic Treaty are two linked instruments of the WHO.

1:46 Values and ethics: “Why does the WHO make false claims regarding proposals to seek states’ sovereignty? The Director General of the WHO states ’No country will seed sovereignty to the WHO’… His statements are clear and unequivocal and also wholly inconsistent with the text he’s referring to.”

2:24 “This is from the unelected, non-accountable, non-tax-paying, immune from prosecution due to diplomatic immunity Director General of the WHO.”

2:40 Sovereignty: “Any rational examination of the text show… a transfer of decision-making power to the WHO regarding basic aspects of societal function which countries will undertake to enact. The WHO Director General will have the sole authority to decide when and where they are applied, and the proposals are intended to be binding under international law. Continued claims that sovereignty is not lost, echoed by politicians and the media therefore raise important questions concerning motivations, competence, and ethics.”

3:54 Sovereignty: “The question of whether sovereignty is being transferred and the legal status of such an agreement is of vital importance, particularly to legislatures of democratic states.”

6:20 Lockdowns

7:00 UDHR (International Declaration of Human Rights) are read.

8:26 Sovereignty: “These UDHR stipulations are the basis of the modern concept of individual sovereignty… considered the highest codifications of the rights and freedoms of individuals in the 20th century. They may soon be dismantled behind closed doors in a meeting room in Geneva.”

8:50 Removing the term “non-binding.”

9:34 Article 18; Restrictions of individual liberty.

11:39 Limiting freedom of speech to reduce public exposure and alternative viewpoints.

10:32 “In other words, everyone and everything comes under the control of the WHO once the Director General declares a public health emergency of international concern.”

12:00 Censorship: “The UN and the WHO have been advocating for censoring unofficial views in order to protect the people from what they call information integrity. No doubt, if these amendments were placed, I would probably not be allowed to give this speech today and if I was, it would never be allowed to be reported in the mainstream media or on social media.”

12:22 Human rights and the Nuremberg Code: “It seems outrageous from a human rights perspective that the amendments will enable the WHO to dictate to countries to require individual medical examinations and vaccinations whenever it declares a pandemic. The Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki refer specifically to human experimentation (e.g. clinical trials and vaccines).

14:19 “The proposed pandemic agreement will set humanity in a new era, strangely organized around pandemics, pre-pandemics and inter-pandemic times.”

16:14 Funding of WHO: “This is taxation without representation”. 16:32 “The proposed agreement is remarkable, not just in the greatly increased funds countries must give but in setting up a parallel funding structure, disconnected from other disease priorities, quite the opposite of previous ideas on integrated health policy… The agreement will require countries to establish “no fault” vaccine injury mechanisms, consecrating effective immunity for pharmaceutical companies for harm to citizens resulting from their products that WHO recommends under emergency use authorization.”

17:30 Censorship: “Countries will agree to limit the right of their citizens to voice opposition to the WHO’s measures and claims regarding an emergency and combat false, misleading misinformation or disinformation including through effective international collaboration and cooperation.”

18:35 Broader than pandemics: “The scope of the proposed agreements is broader than pandemics, greatly expanding the scope under which a transfer of decision-making powers can be demanded under the WHO. Environmental threats to health such as changes in climate can be declared emergencies at the Director General’s discretion if broad definitions of a One Health policy are adopted.”

18:58 Loss of sovereignty: “It’s difficult to think of another international instrument where such powers over national resources are passed on to an unelected external organization. It’s even more challenging to envisage how this is seen as anything other than a loss of sovereignty.”

19:50 Rejecting the new amendments: “There is a current mechanism for the rejection of the new amendments, however unless a high number of countries voice their opposition and rejection, the adoption of the current published version dated February 2023 will likely lead to a future shadowed by the permanent risks of the WHO lockdown and lockstep dictates.”

20:56 Ethics: “The WHO’s position raises a real question of whether its leadership is truly ignorant of what’s being proposed or is actively seeking to mislead countries and the public in order to increase the probability of acceptance.”

21:35 “Opposition by many countries will be needed to derail this project as it is backed by powerful governments and institutions, financial mechanisms including the IMF and the World Bank which is likely to make opposition by lower income countries extremely difficult to sustain.”

21:47 Values:” The relevant question regarding the two WHO instruments should not be whether sovereignty is threatened but why any sovereignty will be forfeit by democratic states to an organization which is significantly funded and bound to obey the dictates of corporations and self-proclaimed philanthropists and jointly governed by member states half of which are not even open and transparent democracies. So why would we do this?”

22:00 Sovereignty and Ethics: “If sovereignty is being forfeited by governments without the knowledge and consent of their peoples based on false claims by their governments and the WHO the implications are very serious. It would imply that the leaders are working directly against the interests of their people.”

22:51 Competence and Values: “Public health authorities and the media: “The other question is why public health authorities, and the media are repeating the WHO’s assurance of the benign nature of the pandemic instruments. It asserts that claims of reduced sovereignty are misinformation or disinformation which they assert elsewhere are major killers of mankind. While such claims are somewhat ludicrous and appear intended to denigrate the dissenters such as myself, the WHO is clearly guilty of the very crime of which it accuses others.”

23:17 Ethics: “If its leadership cannot demonstrate its claims that these instruments are not deliberately misleading, its leadership should appear ethically compelled to resign from their positions and we should defund them.”

23:30 COVID19 deaths: “The recorded deaths from COVID19 never reached the level of cancer or cardiovascular disease and remain almost irrelevant in low-income countries compared to endemic infectious diseases including tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS.

24:50 Values and Ethics: “Is this a sufficient basis for abandoning democratic ideals in favour of a more fascist and authoritarian approach? After all, we are talking about restricting human rights essential for any democracy to function.”