Pandemic Treaty Letters


Remember to follow the documentation instructions so we can ensure transparency and hold our government accountable.

Letter 13: Unelected organization will to control how Canadians live

{First Name, Last Name}


{Village/Town/City}, {Province}

{Postal Code}

{Today's Date}

{Member of Parliament's name}

House of Commons (HOC)
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6 

Dear {Member of Parliament's name}:

I’m very concerned that our government is currently in negotiations with the World Health Organization (WHO) drafting a legally binding act of international law that equates to an international pandemic preparedness plan to “improve” the so-called prevention, preparedness, and pandemic response.  The WHO has proven to be very inefficient and unreliable during the 2020 pandemic, making the WHO untrustworthy. 

Canadians request public transparency regarding the WHO’s International Treaty for the Pandemic Preparedness Act.  Here are some of their questions that need to be addressed, answered and made public by parliament before any further negotiations can take place.

 This act will give an unelected organization authority, under the guise of a pandemic scenario, to control the ability for Canadians to move freely, run their businesses, lock them down, and dictate their medical treatments the way it sees fit, here in Canada and around the world. This centralized governance comes with the potential for serious consequences for Canadians. 

As our elected government it would be negligent as well irresponsible on your part, to your constituents not to block this deliberate assault to our democracy, sovereignty, and our liberty, as a free country. We surely will lose our independence as a nation which is not in the best interest of the People of Canada. 

As an elected official, I sincerely expect you to take the initiative and address this very egregious act in the House of Commons with all of Canada’s MPs. I implore you to stand up to this tyrannical overthrowing of Canada’s national sovereignty.   As a citizen of Canada, I am baffled at the lack of mainstream media reporting and the lack of transparency regarding a deliberate takeover by the WHO, an unelected NGO.

I beg you to do what is right, take this to the mainstream media and demand public transparency regarding the WHO treaty.  It is your duty to protect our Canadian Constitution and our sovereignty.  I urge you to firmly request the immediate withdrawal of Canada from the WHO, the UN and their associated organizations, such as the WEF.  Since Members of Parliament are elected by the People, Canadians are demanding accountability and transparency.  For this reason, your response to this letter and enclosed questionnaire will be made public.


{Your signature}

{First Name, Last Name}

Enclosure:  Questionnaire (Please fill out the questionnaire and kindly mail it back to me with your response to this letter)

CC:     The Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health 

The Honourable Mélanie Jolie, Minister of Foreign Affairs 

Dr. Stephen Ellis, Shadow Minister of Health 

The Honourable Michael Chong, Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice

Mr. Rob Moore, Shadow Minister of Justice

Ms. Leslyn Lewis, MP
