Proposed IHR amendements


A leaked version of the negotiating text of the proposed "Pandemic Agrement" dated was recently obtained and analyzed by James Rogulski.

Following that, based on the focus taken in the documentation, James Rogulski cautioned against making blanket statements that no longer align with the current latest draft. 

See  and 

When critics of the WHO, including the 90,000+ signatories of the petition to withdraw from the WHO, make statements like "the agreements mean that Canada will lose its soverignty" so-called "fact checkers" debunk those statements by pointing at some minutae within the draft documentation. Letter writers need to be careful not to make blanket statments that no longer hold up given the latest  draft documentation.  A case in point: this "debunking" was done by US based Politifacts against the intiatiors of a movement in the US to DEFUND and EXIT the WHO:

The authors miss the real concerns but gain mileage pointing out that what the critics say is not actually in the WHO documents. Our goverment officials then become aware of the "debunked" status of the topic and are hesitant when it comes to reading our letters seriously. As James Rogulski puts it: "We have to be sure in our communications that we are not barking up the wrong tree!"

Official source (Source:


Here are examples of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that will negatively impact our individual & national sovereignty:

Detailed analysis:

Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Global Health - On The Proposed IHR Amendments and WHO Pandemic Treaty [English]. 

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Source: World Council For Health, Policy Briefs


An expert group in political science and law has prepared an in-depth, 45-page policy brief on the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) and the WHO pandemic treaty/accord (WHO CA+). The policy brief offers professional insight into the proposed legal instruments. It also features an historical account of what went wrong during the COVID pandemic, describes the attempts being made to establish these wrongs as accepted standards, and provides valuable insights into how to correct course before it is too late. Central points of the policy brief are outlined below for your convenience.


Fact-packs below are taken from They aim to help Canadians on two fronts:

Fact-Pack 1: For you

This single page has 3 direct questions on the Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) for your government representatives.

It briefly outlines the 7 most dangerous proposed amendments and what their implementation would mean for Australians. It also provides some facts on the WHO.

Fact Pack 1 is designed to take with you when you meet with your local representative to give you the basic facts and talking points.

Download Fact-Pack 1

Fact-Pack 2: For your representative

This 3-page document is designed for your representatives to provide information on the Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

It includes links to the Amendments and expands on the points in Fact Pack 1 including links to verifying documents and research.

Fact Pack 2 is designed to be sent or given to your representatives as a document providing them with information on:

It explains why the only responsible action for the future of Canadians is for Canada to EXIT THE WHO.

Download Fact-Pack 2


This article is taken from
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The World Health Organization is attempting a GLOBAL POWER GRAB by seeking to have the 194 member nations of the World Health Assembly a completely new international agreement commonly referred to as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” in addition to seeking to adopt proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.

The proposed “Pandemic Treaty” would give the WHO control over “pathogens with pandemic potential” as well as control over the means of production within the Pharmaceutical, Hospital, Emergency Industrial Complex. It is an absolute abomination that must be stopped.

The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations would make the WHO’s proclamations legally-binding rather than just advisory recommendations. The proposed amendments seek to institute global digital health certificates, dramatically increase the billions of dollars available to the WHO and enable nations to implement the regulations WITHOUT respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people.

Agreement by a simple majority of the 194 member nations is all that is needed to adopt the amendments because, as amendments to an existing agreement, neither the advice and consent of the United States Senate, nor the signature of the President would be required.

These proposed amendments are being negotiated in secret without any opportunity for comment by people from around the world.

Additional Quotes and references

May 18, 2022

The far-reaching US proposals to amend the International Health Regulations at the upcoming 75th World Health Assembly: A call for attention  -  Blog of the European Journal of International Law

"W.H.O. Member States issued the International Sanitary Regulations in 1951, the precursor to the IHR, which came into being in 2005. The IHR are an instrument of international law that is legally-binding on 196 State Parties, including the 194 W.H.O. Member States. The IHR create rights and obligations for countries, including the requirement to report to W.H.O. public health events with risk of international spread." 


Amendments adopted on May 27, 2022:

Latest version of the proposal for negotiating text for the Pandemic Agreement. See Article 3, Section 2: Sovereignty: